

Centre for Child, Adolescent and Family Counselling

At Turning Point, we believe every family deserves the tools and support to navigate life's challenges with confidence and love. Specializing in child associations and family consulting, we provide a safe space for growth, understanding, and transformation.

Our Vission

To see, a smile on the face, a bounce in the step & a song on the lip of every child.
As life is beautiful and precious, its needs to be nurtured, and not wasted...

Our Mission

Each child is born special to every parent, it is we who intentionally or unintentionally harm them for life, be it through our actions or our words.

Counselling Services

Individual Counselling

Group workshops for different age groups: Pre-Schoolers, Preteenagers , Teenagers and adolescents.

Behavior modification through various therapies

Play & Art therapy for handling emotional disturbance in children/ adolescents

Cognitive behavior therapy

Life skills training in children

Who we are

Services for schools / Individuals

Assessment and Evaluation for scholastic Delays/ developmental delays

Teacher and parent training workshops.

Development of reading and writing skills

Special Education : Specific Learning Disability.

Setting up of SEN Departments.

Curricular Development

Corporate Services
  • Workshops related to Children, Women and Family Areas.
  • Mental health in adults and issues related to stress , depression and anxiety
  • Developing modules for CSR (Holistic development / specific areas of development in children 3-18 years)