Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition involving persistent challenges with social communication, restricted interests and repetitive behavior.
While autism is considered a lifelong condition, the need for services and supports because of these challenges varies among individuals with autism.
Early signs of this condition can be noticed by parents/caregivers or pediatricians before a child reaches one year of age. However, the need for services and supports typically become more consistently visible by the time a child is 2 or 3 years old. In some cases, the problems related to autism may be mild and not apparent until the child starts school, after which their deficits may be pronounced when amongst their peers.
Social communication deficits may include1
- Decreased sharing of interests with others.
- Difficulty appreciating their own & others' emotions.
- Aversion to maintaining eye contact.
- Lack of proficiency with use of non-verbal gestures.
- Stilted or scripted speech.
- Interpreting abstract ideas literally.
- Difficulty making friends or keeping them.
Restricted interests and repetitive behaviors may include1
- Inflexibility of behavior, extreme difficulty coping with change.
- Being overly focused on niche subjects to the exclusion of others.
- Expecting others to be equally interested in those subjects.
- Difficulty tolerating changes in routine and new experiences.
- Sensory hypersensitivity, e.g., aversion to loud noises.
- Stereotypical movements such as hand flapping, rocking, spinning.
- Arranging things, often toys, in a very particular manner.
- The assessment is conducted using standardised tests such as CARS and ISAA