Loads of love, understanding and patience , not only from the parents but the environment around every child is the basic emotional need of every child and human.
Childhood is the most important period of a childs life, right from early childhood a child is curious. inquisitive and exploring , well that is the nature of all the children . How well does a parent react with this nature of the child is so detrimental in shaping the attitude of the child. If a parent is impatient and aggressive the child grows timid, shy and unsure of himself.
Constantly being checked by a parent for making mistakes, would never make a child sure of himself. He or she would grow up with the need of pleasing the parent always resulting in looking for approval, being indecisive and unsure of himself.
Compare it to a child who makes mistakes, breaks things and yet the parent gives him that space, the freedom to make a mistake and still encourage him, he would grow up with an attitude of being so sure of himself as he woud know that irrespective of the mistakes being made he is still capable of taking his decisions and even if wrong is still accepted by the parents. This would give him the immense confidence of being a child sure about himself.
Every action which has taken place in childhood leaves an impact on the mind of a child.
Children grow, they mature, raise their own families but somewhere the sentiments of childhood are deeply imbedded in the subconcious , unknowinly affecting so many of their decisions and their basic attitude.
The formative years of a childs life are the most important years , as much as a parent would like to think that he is being cautious in handling the child, saving him in case he gets hurt the parent is laying the foundation for an unsure adult .
Its not about throwing caution to the wind and letting a child fall off the roof, but it is all about keeping a vigilant eye and yet giving the child some space to grow. After all every child only learns to walk after falling a few steps. He only learns to cycle after falling off it a couple of times.
Over cautious parents sometimes dont even let a child crawl for the danger that he might scratch his knee or pick up some infection from the floor, isnt that a little srange as we all have grown up crawling, climbing trees, running around the parks playing pitthu garam , chain-chain, hide and seek etc.