Things To Learn From Children Every Day
Appreciation……..a child getting 5 out of 10 words correct,
a parent/ teachers reaction?????????? “oh god, I had taught you all 10 and yet 5 are wrong” what a shame, all my efforts have gone down the drain……” “Get lost, I will not teach you again”
Childs reaction….” Petrified of mother but still having the courage with tears welling up in the eyes saying, “but mom, at least 5 are correct…………. Am sorry I let you down so badly, my teacher said good effort but you only see my negative marks, not the ones I have got”
An observer remarks, it’s the kids paper and not the parents…
Patience – a 6 year old not understanding simple concept of addition…… mother tries her level best in making drawings, counting on fingers and re explaining 5 times, the 6 yrs. old is not interested, finally the mother yells, screams, is ready to tear her hair apart till the time the 10 year old sibling comes, gives water to the mother and patiently explains the sum not once or twice but 3 times, still no luck , he quickly gets the GI Joes and in a battle form explains the sums..
All understood….. He goes back inside to his own work.
Forgiveness- the 10 year old has broken crystal vase…..chaos at home, again yelling screaming and accusations may be even a slap……….. After half an hour the child just bounces back on his mother’s lap giving her a tight hug and kiss, all scolding’s forgotten…. Only pure love….
Wife or husband loses a mobile phone or credit card. Blaming game, accusations, screaming and yelling … All understandable……situation same even after a week. Net result, sleeping in different rooms…..
Are we creatures of high order thinking so small to realise what small words or action can do? The number of times we hurt each other or our children without even realising that we are damaging a part of a child’s personality forever??? Do we realise we are shaping the very nature of our child into aggression, humiliation and anger….
Yes parenting is tough no doubt but only if we have a control over ourselves can we really handle our young ones, else they will turn out to be our replicas ….repeating the same thing with their own kids…
Time to ponder and think….