Memories Of Childhood

Memories Of Childhood

Memories of childhood…….. Effect of a parent…

Take out time to build a beautiful bond with your child as every sentiment which is felt, every word uttered goes right from the ears to the heart bypassing the head because the rationale is not there in a child’s mind to understand why a parent behaves the way he behaves, the apparent is only there for him to see…this bond would be a lifetime bond of sharing, it would also be the oar to your child to sail him
through the storms of adolescence. Be there……


Just yesterday, I visited a popular bookstore in my neighborhood, the moment I entered, my eyes were drawn to the middle of the store and there on the table was a popup book of

Cinderella. It was kept on the table in the center displayed beautifully

Like a magnet I was drawn to it and my teenage son tried pulling me away in an embarrassed tone, not wanting me to pick the book up.

He was left spell bound when I told him that many years back, when I was in class 1 and my father had presented the very same book to me. Seeing the replica… I was SCHOKED and my mind flew back all those years.

That book had been my most prized possession at that time. Memories came rushing in a torrent, as I had had so many fights with my friends over not wanting to share that book with any one, I had even lost a couple of friends in the process, as I was scared they would lose my book and It was the most precious gift which my father had given me..… I ended up buying Cinderella yet once again, a good 40 years later. Oh what satisfaction I got.

I skipped a little and ran a little …my child could only but suppress his angst and embarrassment, yet he was also intrigued by the change in my mood and my spirit. He was curious to know what was it that was making me smile all the way home.

As I went back, a chain of thoughts started in my mind, filling it with happiness and pleasure at all the good as all the beautiful memories of my childhood came rushing back.

It took me back to my friends, my thoughts, which I had been experiencing at that time. It took me back to other pleasant memories of my interaction with my parents, the fun my siblings and I had as kids, it took me zillions of thoughts back.

Reading was the first of the many bricks which was laid in me, as was my foundation for so many other things.

Most important it laid in me was the foundation of a beautiful, loving and affectionate bond.

Children are at a most impressionable age from 5 to 12 years of their life, a positive feedback, positive nurturance
given at this time, remains with a child life long, as it is the basis of his self-confidence, his self-image and it is also a building block for so many new things in life.

Parents in a rush of their activities don’t realize that every word uttered by them leaves such a lasting impression
on a child’s mind that it can make or break his outlook towards life.

It is a stage for entrance into the world by the child.

A child experiencing failure at school, at home for not performing the tasks or work or who is denied the opportunity to discover and develop their capability, grows up as a child feeling inferior in all areas of his life.

Be there and yet withhold your maternal instincts which would overwhelm a child and stop his/her growth.

Be vigilant and yet be the anchor which only needs to be put down when needed, else let a child steer his boat knowing that the anchor is always there. BE THERE ….. as your parents had been for you.

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