Relationships With Our Children

Relationships With Our Children

Suicide by Bollywood actress…..

The news  came as a shock on TV. A young girl with dreams in her eyes and a heart full of love, ending her life so shockingly as she was unable to handle the pressure of  a failed love (as reported by the papers).

This is one  such story which was on air, may be because the person was a celebrity but in reality there are many such adolescents going through many turmoil’s in their lives which they are unable to handle. The next day’s papers told about the girls childhood and how currently she was in a live in relationship.

Without  really beating about the bush I have a question to ask.

Is it that we as parents are lacking some where that we are not able to give the coping skills to our
children that they can handle an adult life without an emotional baggage?


This is only one such example which I have cited with due respect to her soul, as the person who lost her life was a celebrity thus most of us would be aware of it.

Relationships, parenting and friendship are the core areas which my blogs have been related to. A happy child is definitely an outcome of having a stable home with either or both the parents. Stability in not only if the parents are together but also of the parents having for each other, sensitivity , courtesy and trust towards one another.

Let’s do an activity

Just shut your eyes and reflect…. what comes to your mind as a child?


Laughter ?                             


Warm cosy home?


Hatred because you were looked down upon?

Anger because there was always tension at home.

Shame because as an adolescent you were somehow holding yourself responsible for all misfortunes?

Take a minute and think back about your own relationships with your friends, your parents, your siblings, your spouse and your children if you have children.

If you havea smile on your face after the reflection, my job is almost half done. I say  half done because you now need to reflect on your current relationships.

Does that bring a smile to your face?


If you open your eyes with a frown or a drop of tear, then you do need to reflect. Not on your childhood but on your present as well.

Why is it that you have a tear or a frown?

What is it that you want from your life and most important is how it that you are going to get it.

I have posted this blog as a mere reflection on our failing relationships esp with our children , I say children because they are the future and it is in our hands to give them a healthy environment for them to blossom into emotionally healthy beings who can not only look after themselves but further raise healthier children.

Facebook is a platform which reaches millions of viewers, hence this is only a small drop in the ocean. Feel free to leave your comments and queries which I shall most willingly try to address.

This blog is  the beginning of the series on relationship issues which will be periodically posted. Do revert as it’s always good to be the change which one wants to see

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